…il s’agit de créer un espace
un territoire
d'où un langage physique
peut émerger
où la mâchoire peut se dégager dela parole
aussi bien que s’en emparer
faire cette pièce correspond à aller acheter un puzzle
à assembler les morceaux
puis commencer à le décomposer
et voir comment les relations entre les corps se forment s’organisent se détruisent
une volonté de se retourner le cerveau et les boyaux
guide les choix chorégraphiques
un territoire du jaillissement
ça chatouille énormément ça chatouillera j’espère beaucoup j’espère que ça sera bon.
Initially inspired by composting processes, this body of work was developed during my MA studies. A shift of focus became a practice of stepping into my own making and thinking. In this practice, I was not centered on creating a finished choreographic work, but in opening space and form as an archeological site of unwritten futures. Tracing connections and investing time in undoing/unknowing, in enriching the ability to observe what is already there and work through sensations.
Choreography: Mor Demer
Collaboration with: Sandra Wieser
Performers: Anya Kravchenko, Sivan Medioni, Sandra Wieser, Mor Demer
Outside eye: Asaf Aharonson
Thanks to:
Technical team of ICI/CCN and Gadi Demer.
Ni Ours
Alongside the making of ‘CORAUX’, Sandra Wieser and I produced ‘NI OURS’ a fanzine which was distributed to the audience at the end of the performance; an edition of text and visual materials that nourished and inspired the content of the work.